Annual Barn Dance – Fri 23rd Feb 2024

Around 40 members and friends turned up at St Georges church hall for our annual barn dance.

The music and caller were provided by Stargazey Pie who have entertained us at this event in previous years. Most people brought their own drinks and eats although tea, coffee and soft drinks were available throughout the evening.

At the start of each dance the caller took us through the moves step by step before the band started playing, and reminded us of what we should be doing as we went through the dance. Each dance was different which contributed to the enjoyment of the evening.

During a break in the proceedings the raffle was drawn by Rod ably assisted by Teresa Allden. Rod then thanked Ann Heath who took the lead role in organizing the event and Paul Scott who manned the kitchen dispensing drinks to thirsty dancers.

Judging by the smiling faces during the evening it can be deemed a resounding success.


Rod Wilson

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